No Safe Spaces TRAILER
Watch the official No Safe Spaces trailer starring Adam Carolla, Dennis Prager, Tim Allen, Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Cornel West, Ben Shapiro, Alan Dershowitz, and Van Jones. No Safe Spaces is available to watch now for a limited time.
“There is no free speech in America for free thinkers! You can have free speech in America but only if you say what everybody else agrees with. It's not enough to 'live and let live' now. The psycho-elite believe 'silence is violence' and you must actively promote what THEY want no matter how vile or reprehensible it is to you. George Orwell lives! They should've called Orwell 'Nostradamus' because his most frightening prophecies have come to pass, as you will witness in No Safe Spaces.”
- Mancow Muller, radio phenomenon
- Mancow Muller, radio phenomenon
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